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Studio Policies:

  • First month tuition and registration fee are due upon registration.

  • Cosmic Movement Dance Academy believes that everyone deserves the joy of dance. If you are experiencing financial hardship, we invite you to speak with us about payment options and work study opportunities.

  • Cosmic Movement Dance Academy makes every effort to ensure a safe dance environment for all. Students must understand that dance is a physical art form, and as with any physical activity, there is always the possibility of injury. Cosmic Movement Dance Academy will not assume liability for any injuries incurred.

  • Students should be dropped off a few minutes prior to classes and picked up once classes are over.

  • Dancers should use the bathroom BEFORE class (especially for our little ones)

  • All bags and water bottles are to be stored in the cubbies provided in the studio. Please do not leave any bags on the ground in the studio. All electronic devices should be stored in your dancer's bag on SILENT. The studio is not responsible for your personal belongings.


  • Students who are staying between classes may bring dinner or snacks with them. All food should be properly stored and wrapped, and all trash should be thrown away. Dancers should be cleaning up after themselves.  

  • It is the dancer’s responsibility to manage their time so that dance, schoolwork, and other outside activities do not conflict.

  • There is zero tolerance for bullying. We aim to offer a kind, supportive, and positive environment always.

Attendance Policy:

  • Good attendance is necessary for students to progress in their art. Please keep absences to a minimum. However, if your child is ill, please keep them home!

  • Guardians are responsible for communicating absences to the dance studio directly

  • If a student needs to leave class early for any reason, the studio must be notified ahead of time.

  • In situations of inclement weather, please check your email, the website and the social media pages to find out if classes are running.

  • When classes are missed or cancelled, you may make up the class in another class of the same level or another comparable class. Make sure to coordinate that with the studio first.

  • There are no refunds/reimbursements for missed classes nor can missed classes be applied to subsequent months’ tuition.

  • Dress Rehearsals are MANDATORY for Recital participation

Classroom Etiquette:

  • No gum, food or drink of any kind (except water) is allowed inside the dance studio, only in the lounge. 

  • No street shoes are permitted in the dance studios.

  • Being on time for class is important so that dancers can properly warm up.

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